Welcome to Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School

About Us

At Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School in Ghana Nzema, our story is one of passion, dedication, and a commitment to shaping young minds. Nestled in the heart of Ghana, our journey began with a vision to create an educational institution that not only imparts knowledge but also cultivates strong values rooted in the teachings of Islam.

Our Journey

Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School in Ghana Nzema,started as a humble initiative driven by a group of educators who shared a common dream. The journey began with just a handful of students eager to learn and grow in an environment that embraced both academic excellence and Islamic principles.Over the years, our school has blossomed into a vibrant community of students, teachers, and parents working together to create a nurturing educational haven. Our classrooms have echoed with the laughter of curious minds, and our hallways have witnessed the transformative power of education.

Modern Classrooms

Equipped with the latest educational technology.

Library and Resource Center

A hub for comprehensive learning and research.

Playground and Sports Facilities:

Nurturing physical development and teamwork.

Dedicated Prayer Spaces:

Fostering spiritual growth and reflection.

Fostering spiritual growth and reflection.

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

Fostering spiritual growth and reflection.

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise with Études Architectural Solutions.

Our Mission

Our mission is inspired by the belief that education goes beyond textbooks. It is about fostering a sense of community, building character, and instilling a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School strives to provide an inclusive space where students not only excel academically but also develop into compassionate, responsible individuals.

Academic Excellence

  • Our commitment to academic excellence is unwavering. Our experienced and dedicated teachers are the backbone of this institution, guiding students through a curriculum that not only meets international standards but also integrates the rich tapestry of Islamic teachings.

Admission Information

  • Enroll your child at Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School to be a part of this inspiring journey. Join us in shaping futures, building character, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Contact us for admission details and to schedule a school tour.

Join us on our remarkable journey of education, enlightenment, and character-building at Kamgbunli Islamic Basic School.

Join 300+ Students